Consultation Response: National Transport Strategy

27 October 2019

The Scottish Government’s consultation on The National Transport Strategy (NTS2) closed on Wednesday 23rd October 2019.

"The Scottish Obesity Alliance welcomes the National Transport Strategy and the opportunity to comment on its content. The importance of transport/travel to encourage increased every day physical activity cannot be understated.  That is why we would wish to see the Strategy placing more emphasis on the needs of all communities, including children and young people, by creating more safe travel routes for daily walking and cycling.

Early intervention to support a change to the current obesogenic environment is vital.

To build a healthier and more sustainable economy which seeks to address inequalities requires improved accessibility and affordability of transport particularly for those living in poverty.  Increased community engagement, using tools such as the Place Standard, and hearing from those with lived experience will assist with the creation of a more inclusive Strategy."

View our consultation response here.